
Senior Product Designer


Senior Product Designer


1 yr


1 yr


1 yr

Team - 12 people

Product Manager, Director of Engr, Staff Sales Engr, Staff Engr,

Backend & Frontend Engr, Content Designer, QA Tester.

Team - 12 people

Product Manager, Director of Engr, Staff Sales Engr, Staff Engr, Backend & Frontend Engr, Content Designer, QA Tester.

Create a Culture of Experimentation through Feature Flag

Create a Culture of through Feature Flag

Airship, a customer engagement platform, introduced experimentation through feature flags.

I was involved from inception through launch, helping brainstorm ideas, define design principles, and plan the product roadmap. I also created wireframes and tested them with customers. The MVP was launched successfully, attracting interest from 8 customers and onboarding 2 of them.

Airship, a customer engagement platform, introduced experimentation through feature flags. I was involved from inception through launch, helping brainstorm ideas, define design principles, and plan the product roadmap. I also created wireframes and tested them with customers. The MVP was launched successfully, attracting interest from 8 customers and onboarding 2 of them.

Airship, a customer engagement platform, introduced experimentation through feature flags. I was involved from inception through launch, helping brainstorm ideas, define design principles, and plan the product roadmap. I also created wireframes and tested them with customers. The MVP was launched successfully, attracting interest from 8 customers and onboarding 2 of them.


Senior Product Designer



Team - 12 people

Product Manager, Director of Engr, Staff Sales Engr, Staff Engr, Backend & Frontend Engr, Content Designer, QA Tester.

Create a Culture of Experimentation through Feature Flag

Airship, a customer engagement platform, introduced experimentation through feature flags. I was involved from inception through launch, helping brainstorm ideas, define design principles, and plan the product roadmap. I also created wireframes and tested them with customers. The MVP was launched successfully, attracting interest from 8 customers and onboarding 2 of them.


Senior Product Designer


1 yr

Team - 12 people

Product Manager, Director of Engr, Staff Sales Engr, Staff Engr, Backend & Frontend Engr, Content Designer, QA Tester.

Create a Culture of Experimentation through Feature Flag

Airship, a customer engagement platform, introduced experimentation through feature flags.

I was involved from inception through launch, helping brainstorm ideas, define design principles, and plan the product roadmap. I also created wireframes and tested them with customers. The MVP was launched successfully, attracting interest from 8 customers and onboarding 2 of them.

Airship & Experimentation

Airship & Experimentation

Airship & Experimentation

Airship enables businesses to create personalized messages that can be delivered to customers through various channels, such as push notifications and SMS messaging. Leading brands are increasingly leveraging experimentation as a powerful tool to effectively boost customer engagement.

Airship enables businesses to create personalized messages that can be delivered to customers through various channels, such as push notifications and SMS messaging. Leading brands are increasingly leveraging experimentation as a powerful tool to effectively boost customer engagement.

Airship enables businesses to create personalized messages that can be delivered to customers through various channels, such as push notifications and SMS messaging. Leading brands are increasingly leveraging experimentation as a powerful tool to effectively boost customer engagement.

Airship Delivers

Airship Delivers

Airship Delivers


5 Trillion



5 Trillion



5 Trillion



825 Thousand

Messages per second


825 Thousand

Messages per second


825 Thousand

Messages per second


2.5 Billion

End customer


2.5 Billion

End customer


2.5 Billion

End customer

“By using our business system of record to create lists and Airship’s mobile messaging capabilities, we can deliver a customized experience for our users to give them content related to what they care most about.”

“By using our business system of record to create lists and Airship’s mobile messaging capabilities, we can deliver a customized experience for our users to give them content related to what they care most about.”

“By using our business system of record to create lists and Airship’s mobile messaging capabilities, we can deliver a customized experience for our users to give them content related to what they care most about.”

Bill Graham - Director of Multichannel Operations

Bill Graham - Director of Multichannel Operations

Bill Graham - Director of Multichannel Operations

Airship & Experimentation

Airship enables businesses to create personalized messages that can be delivered to customers through various channels, such as push notifications and SMS messaging. Leading brands are increasingly leveraging experimentation as a powerful tool to effectively boost customer engagement.

Airship Delivers


5 Trillion



825 Thousand

Messages per second


2.5 Billion

End customer

“By using our business system of record to create lists and Airship’s mobile messaging capabilities, we can deliver a customized experience for our users to give them content related to what they care most about.”

Bill Graham - Director of Multichannel Operations

How might we seamlessly integrate the new product 'Feature Flag' into our platform to support experimentation and ensure its intuitiveness?

How might we seamlessly integrate the new product 'Feature Flag' into our platform to support experimentation and ensure its intuitiveness?

How might we seamlessly integrate the new product 'Feature Flag' into our platform to support experimentation and ensure its intuitiveness?

How Might We seamlessly integrate the new product 'Feature Flag' into our platform to support experimentation and ensure its intuitiveness?

About Feature Flags

About Feature Flags

About Feature Flags

About Feature Flags

It's like having a switch that can enable or disable specific features in an application, giving you the power to experiment and validate your ideas.

It's like having a switch that can enable or disable specific features in an application, giving you the power to experiment and validate your ideas.

It's like having a switch that can enable or disable specific features in an application, giving you the power to experiment and validate your ideas.

It's like having a switch that can enable or disable specific features in an application, giving you the power to experiment and validate your ideas.

De-Risk Releases

via Phased Rollout

Product Experimentation


Specific Users

Product Experimentation

Product Experimentation

Product Experimentation


Specific Users


Specific Users


Specific Users

De-Risk Releases

via Phased Rollout

De-Risk Releases

via Phased Rollout

De-Risk Releases

via Phased Rollout

Our Vision Started to Align during Brainstorming Stage

Our Vision Started to Align during Brainstorming Stage

Our Vision Started to Align during Brainstorming Stage

Our Vision Started to Align during Brainstorming Stage

Task at Hand

I employed divergent and convergent thinking to generate a variety of tasks and then prioritize them based on relevance and feasibility, resulting in our action plan for the next steps.

Task at Hand

Task at Hand

Task at Hand

I employed divergent and convergent thinking to generate a variety of tasks, and then priortized them based on relevance and feasibility, resulting in our action plan for the next steps.

I employed divergent and convergent thinking to generate a variety of tasks, and then priortized them based on relevance and feasibility, resulting in our action plan for the next steps.

I employed divergent and convergent thinking to generate a variety of tasks, and then priortized them based on relevance and feasibility, resulting in our action plan for the next steps.

I employed divergent and convergent thinking to generate a variety of tasks, and then priortized them based on relevance and feasibility, resulting in our action plan for the next steps.





Launch MVP and onboard customer.

Launch MVP and onboard customer.

Launch MVP and onboard customer.

Launch MVP and onboard customer.

Launch MVP and onboard customer.


2 - 3

Main elements


2 - 3

Use cases


3 - 4

Discovery calls


2 - 3

Main elements


2 - 3

Main elements


2 - 3

Main elements


2 - 3

Use cases


2 - 3

Use cases


2 - 3

Use cases


3 - 4

Discovery calls


3 - 4

Discovery calls


3 - 4

Discovery calls

Design Principles

Design Principles

Design Principles

Design Principles

Keep it simple

Keep it simple

Keep it simple

Keep it simple

Keep it familiar

Keep it familiar

Keep it familiar

Keep it familiar

Keep it intuitive

Keep it intuitive

Keep it intuitive

Keep it intuitive

Wireframes & Key Features

Wireframes & Key Features

Wireframes & Key Features

Wireframes & Key Features

Target specific customers and estimate the feature's reach.

Target specific customers and estimate the feature's reach.

Target specific customers and estimate the feature's reach.

A review page to display configurations and code snippet

A review page to display configurations and code snippet.

A review page to display configurations and code snippet.

View all feature flags with their schedules,

status, and allocation percentages.

View all feature flags with their schedules, status and allocation percentages.

View all feature flags with their schedules, status and allocation percentages.

View all feature flags with their schedules, status and allocation percentages.

A review page to display configurations and code snippet.

Target specific customers and estimate the feature's reach.

Wireframes & Key Features

Validating Approach through Testing

Validating Approach through Testing

Validating Approach through Testing

Code Snippet Placement

Code Snippet Placement

The code snippet inserted at the beginning of flag creation wasn't the best approach. Our testing showed that users tended to share it at the end of their process instead.

The code snippet inserted at the beginning of flag creation wasn't the best approach. Our testing showed that users tended to share it at the end of their process instead.

The code snippet inserted at the beginning of flag creation wasn't the best approach. Our testing showed that users tended to share it at the end of their process instead.

The code snippet inserted at the beginning of flag creation wasn't the best approach. Our testing showed that users tended to share it at the end of their process instead.

Improved Placement



Improved Placement

More helpful when placed at the end on the final review page. This change reduces the chance of forgetting to copy it.

More helpful when placed at the end on the final review page. This change reduces the chance of forgetting to copy it.

More helpful when placed at the end on the final review page. This change reduces the chance of forgetting to copy it.

No Filter Options

No Filter


No Filter Options

Over time, as many features are created, users prefer to have the ability to filter them based on their active status.

Over time, as many features are created, users prefer to have the ability to filter them based on their active status.

Over time, as many features are created, users prefer to have the ability to filter them based on their active status.

Introduced Filter Options

Introduced Filter Options

Added clickable boxes displaying the flag count in each category.

Added clickable boxes displaying the flag count in each category.

Added clickable boxes displaying the flag count in each category.




Validating Approach through Testing

Code Snippet Placement

The code snippet inserted at the start

of flag creation wasn't the optimal approach, as our testing revealed that users tended to share it at the conclusion of their process instead.

Improved Placement

More useful when positioned at the

end during the last review page. This change reduces the likelihood of forgetting to copy it.

No Filter Options

Over time, as many features are created, users prefer to have the ability to filter them based on their active status.

Introduced Filter Options

Introduced clickable boxes displaying the flag count in each category.


Final Version & Key Design Elements

Final Version & Key Design Elements

Final Version & Key Design Elements

Final Version & Key Design Elements

Progress Bar Navigation

Display the current step at the top to indicate progress and the remaining steps.

Progress Bar Navigation

Display the current step at the top to indicate progress and the remaining steps.

Progress Bar Navigation

Display the current step at the top to indicate progress and the remaining steps.

Progress Bar Navigation

Display the current step at the top to indicate progress and the remaining steps.

Audience Estimator

Use visual representation to estimate the feature's reach for the target customer.

Audience Estimator

Use visual representation to estimate the feature's reach for the target customer.

Audience Estimator

Use visual representation to estimate the feature's reach for the target customer.

Audience Estimator

Use visual representation to estimate the feature's reach for the target customer.

Review Page

Include a review page with all created configurations for easy reference, along with the option to go back and make edits.

Review page

Include a review page with all created configurations for easy reference, along with the option to go back and make edits.

Review page
Include a review page with all created configurations for easy reference, along with the option to go back and make edits.

Review page
Include a review page with all created configurations for easy reference, along with the option to go back and make edits.

Review page
Include a review page with all created configurations for easy reference, along with the option to go back and make edits.

Filter Flags
Easily view all feature flags and filter the display by activity state.

Filter Flags
Easily view all feature flags and filter the display by activity state.

Filter Flags
Easily view all feature flags and filter the display by activity state.

Filter Flags
Easily view all feature flags and filter the display by activity state.


View the current allocation, update allocation, and deactivate the flag.


View the current allocation, update audience allocation, and deactivate the flag.

View the current allocation, update audience allocation, and deactivate the flag.

View the current allocation, update audience allocation, and deactivate the flag.

View the current allocation, update audience allocation, and deactivate the flag.

Future version: Reports
Reports to show users how well their feature flag is perfoming.

Future version: Reports
Reports to show users how well their feature flag is perfoming.

Future version: Reports
Reports to show users how well their feature flag is perfoming.

Future version: Reports
Reports to show users how well their feature flag is perfoming.







Within 9 months



Within 9 months



Within 9 months



Within 9 months


8 Customers

Showed interest


8 Customers

Showed interest


8 Customers

Showed interest


8 Customers

Showed interest


2 Customers



2 Customers



2 Customers



2 Customers


Other Features I have Helped Launch

Launched self-serve onboarding for data integration, reducing time from hours to minutes and clicks from 30+ to 5, and integrated with 36 partners.

Designed one of the most requested features of uploading coupons to personalized messages, leading to a 2x increase in usage and eventually made it to our premium paid package.

Helped launch the Goals feature that helps customers track the performance of events created in Airship and generate reports.

Other Features I have Helped Launch

Other Features I have Helped Launch

Other Features I have Helped Launch

Launched self-serve onboarding for data integration, reducing time from hours to minutes and clicks from 30+ to 5, and integrated with 36 partners.

Designed one of the most requested features of uploading coupons to personalized messages, leading to a 2x increase in usage and eventually made it to our premium paid package.

Helped launch the Goals feature that helps customers track the performance of events created in Airship and generate reports.

Launched self-serve onboarding for data integration, reducing time from hours to minutes and clicks from 30+ to 5, and integrated with 36 partners.

Designed one of the most requested features of uploading coupons to personalized messages, leading to a 2x increase in usage and eventually made it to our premium paid package.

Helped launch the Goals feature that helps customers track the performance of events created in Airship and generate reports.

Launched self-serve onboarding for data integration, reducing time from hours to minutes and clicks from 30+ to 5, and integrated with 36 partners.

Designed one of the most requested features of uploading coupons to personalized messages, leading to a 2x increase in usage and eventually made it to our premium paid package.

Helped launch the Goals feature that helps customers track the performance of events created in Airship and generate reports.

Recognition & Awards

Recognition & Awards

Recognition & Awards

Recognition & Awards

I was recognized by Airship's SVP of Technology for embodying collaboration and grit, two of the five core values upheld by Airship.

I was recognized by Airship's SVP of Technology for embodying collaboration and grit, two of the five core values upheld by Airship.

I was recognized by Airship's SVP of Technology for embodying collaboration and grit, two of the five core values upheld by Airship.

I was recognized by Airship's SVP of Technology for embodying collaboration and grit, two of the five core values upheld by Airship.

We Cultivate Collaboration

We Cultivate Collaboration

We Cultivate Collaboration

We Cultivate Collaboration

We Cultivate Collaboration

Working across organizations, partners and customers sparks better ideas & enriches solutions.

Working across organizations, partners and customers sparks better ideas & enriches solutions.

We Have Grit

We Have Grit

We Have Grit

We Have Grit

We address challenges with tenacity & maintain our character while working towards our goals.

We address challenges with tenacity & maintain our character while working towards our goals.

© 2024 - Shradha Shree

Designed with love & lots of coffee

© 2024 - Shradha Shree

Designed with love & lots of coffee

© 2024 - Shradha Shree

Designed with love & lots of coffee

© 2024 - Shradha Shree

Designed with love & lots of coffee